List of Halal Shops in Derry/Londonderry
Disclaimer: NWIA does NOT have any commercial beneficiary relationship with any of the shops mentioned above for listing them in the website.

Butchers In Derry
Lynas Foodservice : (halal ready made chicken fillets and nuggets are available)
18 Balliniska Rd, Londonderry BT48 0NA
EXPRESS FOOD SERVICE (Some items, please check packaging)
24N Pennyburn Ind. Est., Derry / L’Derry, BT48 OLU

Restaurants In Derry
Chillies Restaurant (Part of the menu is Halal)
145 Strand Road, Derry / Londonderry BT48 7PW
Cedar Lebanese Restaurant (Part of the menu is Halal)
32 Carlisle Rd, Derry / Londonderry BT48 6JW
Saffron Restaurant (Part of the menu is Halal)
2 Clarendon Street, Derry / Londonderry, BT48 7ES